Employers / Meet the team

Charlotte Goldstone

Senior Transport Consultant

Charlotte Goldstone

What’s your day-to-day role look like? 

“Speaking to clients / Drivers, planning Drivers, posting job ads, scoping out new business, and recruiting for vacancies!“

What do you like doing outside of work? 

“I love walking!”

Now for the important questions… 

Have you had a famous encounter? Tell us about it! 

“I did a days work a few years back for the band Blue at the O2 in Bristol! I worked in their VIP meet and greet and had lunch with the band!”

What are you binging on Netflix at the moment?

“Stranger things.”

Do you have a hidden talent?

“I can make myself sound like a dolphin haha.”

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you and why?

“Mary Poppins bag, my dogs and a packet of lays crisps.”

Did someone say Christmas?

If you could only listen to one Christmas song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

“Elton John – Step into Christmas!”

What’s the best part of a Christmas dinner?

“Pigs and blankets.”

Brussels sprouts: yay or nay?


Best Christmas film. Go.

“Home Alone 1 and 2!”

When do you put the Christmas decs up?

“First weekend of December.”

What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?

“A wooly hat with a built-in head light (I love walking haha).”

You can visit Charlotte’s LinkedIn page here

Take a look at the rest of our team members here