Employers / Meet the team

Justine Buxton


Justine Buxton

What’s your role within the Driving Force family? 

“I’m one of the four Directors working with Lee, Rob and John. I feel very lucky to share this role with these great guys where we all share the same vision to make the company the best we can.

My role involves working with staff to help with, support and look at ways to constantly improve what we are doing and make this a company where everyone feels valued!”

What does your day-to-day role look like? 

“I never know, it starts with many intentions and usually ends completely differently!”

What do you like doing outside of work? 

“I am a ‘do er’ so I’m never sat still for long. I love walking my dog, exercising and yoga but mostly spending as much time as I can with family and friends (if this involves cake – even better!).”

Now for the important questions… 

Have you had a famous encounter? Tell us about it! 

“I’ve had a few encounters with Russell Brand who I have a small crush on…”

What was the last thing you googled?

“Ah, that might be too inappropriate to tell you.”

What was your first job?

“I had a Saturday job in a chemist.”

You’re in a karaoke bar and someone hands you the mic – what song are you singing?

“Angels – Robbie Williams.” – Same as John… duet on the cards guys?

Did someone say Christmas?

If you could only listen to one Christmas song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

“I love so many! But okay I choose ‘Do they know it’s Christmas’.”

What’s the best part of a Christmas dinner?

“The gravy.”

Brussels sprouts: yay or nay?

“Definitely nay.”

Best Christmas film. Go.

“Love Actually.”

When do you put the Christmas decs up?

“1st weekend of December.”

What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?

“Michael Jackson concert tickets.”

You can visit Justine’s LinkedIn page here

Take a look at the rest of our team members and their roles here