Employers / Meet the team

Rhodri Chapman

Senior Transport Consultant

Rhodri Chapman

What is your role within the Driving Force family?

I am a transport consultant in the Newport branch, recruiting and placing as many drivers into work as possible.

What do you like doing outside of work? 

Watching sport, I’ll watch whatever’s on and taking my dogs to the beach

Office debate: tea or coffee?

Coffee every time! I refuse to speak to anyone before I’ve had a coffee in the morning

You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?

Employ him, perfectly suited for trunking work :D

What’s something you saw recently that made you smile?

Wales beating England in the rugby

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you and why?

Bear Grylls, Sunglasses and a big bottle of water

Which film, TV, or book character do you most identify with?

Sid the sloth, I have a singular brain cell remaining…

Would you rather fight one elephant-sized mouse or one hundred mouse-sized elephants?

One hundred mouse-sized elephants

What’s your top song on Spotify at the moment?

93 'Til Infinity - Souls of Mischief


You can visit Rhodri’s LinkedIn page here

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