Employers / Meet the team

Stacey Adams

Transport Consultant

Stacey Adams

What is your role within the Driving Force family?

"To recruit drivers, clients and make Birmingham branch a success!"

What do you like doing outside of work?

"Watching tv, reading, spending time with family and friends, I also like travelling seeing different cities"

Office debate: tea or coffee?


You are shrank to the size of a penny and put in a blender - how do you get out?

"I don't"

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you and why? 

"My dog, a book and wine"

You’re in a karaoke bar and someone hands you the mic – what song are you singing?

"Whitney Houston – I wanna dance with somebody"

Would you rather fight one elephant-sized mouse or one hundred mouse-sized elephants? 

"One elephant sized mouse!"