Employers / Meet the team

Stephanie Moran

Transport Consultant - Birmingham

Stephanie Moran

What is your role within the Driving Force family?

      "Transport Consultant"

What do you like doing outside of work?

"Watching movies and shows, spending time with friends and family and travelling!"

Office debate: tea or coffee?


Have you had a famous encounter – tell us about it

"I had a drink with Lemmy from Motorhead in Los Angeles in the famous bar The Rainbow once!"   

You are shrank to the size of a penny and put in a blender - how do you get out?!

      "Hope for the best..."

You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?

      "Make it a hut to live in the garden"

What’s something you saw recently that made you smile?

      "My welcome card and chocolates from the team"

What are you binging on Netflix at the moment?

      "Wednesday and Big Bang Theory"

Dogs or cats?


What’s your favourite game to play?

      "Old school monopoly"

What was your first job?

      "I was a waitress but also did work in the kitchen and some house keeping"

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

      "Lack of communication"

What was your favourite subject in school?

      "English, specifically creative writing"

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you and why?

      "Probably a net for fishing, a tent for sleeping and a bottle to store water"

What’s your irrational fear?

      "Tall rollercoasters!"

What’s the most used emoji on your phone?

      "Definitely the love heart"

Which film, TV, or book character do you most identify with?

      "The Addams Family"

Would you rather fight one elephant-sized mouse or one hundred mouse-sized elephants?

      "One elephant sized mouse"